Our Vision: A world where people thrive through traumatic life experiences.

Our Mission: Providing individualized and relevant support.

Accessible Counselling Available with Sarah.

We are pleased to provide counselling with Sarah.

To learn more about Sarah and how to contact her, visit the Accessible Counselling section at the bottom of our counselling page here.

On June 12, 2024 Bill C-277 received a unanimous vote (324-0) in the House of Commons following it’s second hour of debate. 

This means that Bill C-277 is off to the Standing Committee on Health for review before heading to Senate.  Learn how to get involved at this important stage here.

BC Consensus on Brain Injury, Mental Health, and Addiction

June 20 , 2024 is the 3rd Consensus Building Day in British Columbia. This project is graciously funded by the Ministry of Mental Health & Addictions and Vancouver Foundation.

To learn more, visit BC Consensus on Brain Injury, Mental Health, and Addiction. 

Forever Homes

 What will happen to my adult child when I die?

We now have an aging population of survivors who depend heavily on their families for support including living with senior parents. When their parents die, the responsibility of care will shift to other family members or friends, when possible, but many will be alone and living at risk.

Michael and Jessica Forever Homes Show.

Michael’s Story

Jessica’s Story


1.5 Million Canadians live with a brain injury and it contributes to homelessness, incarceration, substance use, and mental health issues. The unintended consequences cost our country billions in emergency and health care services. If we do not include brain injury in every conversation we will never have a 100% solution to mitigating these social issues.

Surviving the Perfect Storm

Watch our video to understand the link between brain injury, mental, health and addiction.

Surviving the Perfect Storm: Mental Health, Addiction, & Brain Injury


The BC Brain Injury Association (BCBIA) and the CGB Centre for Traumatic Life Losses (CGB) are pleased to announce the organizations are aligning in a Strategic Partnership.

The workflow of both organizations will be carried out under the administrative leadership of Janelle Breese Biagioni, CEO and Founder of the CGB Centre for Traumatic Life Losses. To learn more, click here.